Wildlife Awareness and Predator Safety

Whether working or playing in the wilderness, this course is a must. Predators can be a real threat especially to the sick, injured, young, and for dogs accompanying humans in the wild. Most remote cabins, lodges, and workers have non-lethal and lethal ways of protecting themselves from aggressive animals. It pays to be prepared. Become acquainted with the major animal groups of the Boreal forest and learn which are nuisances, harmless, and possibly dangerous. Learn what to do to avoid a dangerous encounter, and how to react should you encounter a dangerous animal. Practice using animal deterrents and commonly available firearms.
Syllabus (includes but not limited to)
- Animals of the Boreal Forest
- Avoiding Dangerous Encounters
- Non-lethal & Lethal Responses
- Safe Handling of Pyrotechnics & Firearms
- Range Practice (live firing), including:
- Bear Bangers
- Bear Spray
- Survival Firearms, including:
- Popular shotgun gauges and long gun calibres in the north
- Various weapon actions and handling
- Three calibres, one gun
- .22 Survival Rifle in the butt!
Prerequisites: none
Duration: 1 day
Maximum Instructor to Participant Ratio: 1:6
Cost: $250 + tax
Note: Although this course involves the use of firearms, a firearms license is not required - nor will this course provide you with a license upon completion.